Teresa Donaldson - BRDT Chair
Date: Sunday 5 March

Originally from Coupar Angus, Teresa spent a number of years living and working in Aberdeen before returning to east Perthshire after starting her family. Over the years, she has worked in various roles in a diverse range of sectors, including solicitors and architects and in the retail and licensed trades as well as in television. Teresa also runs her own organisational design business and has experience in charity finance and management.
She is passionate about raising awareness of the positive impact young people can have in communities and supporting them to do so.
What is it that you love or enjoy most about living or working (or both!) in Blairgowrie and Rattray?
It’s home – big enough to accommodate most needs and small enough to feel like a community. I’m not keen on cities and love the easy access to countryside.
What’s your professional background?
A mixed bag including various roles in multiple industries – legal, architecture, television, retail, hospitality, third sector – primarily in business finance, administration and management but a few enjoyable turns ‘on the shop floor’.
What motivates you?
Feeling that I’m of use and value.
Who is your hero and why?
Anyone and everyone – all human beings have hero qualities, some are obvious, some more subtle and some as yet untapped!
How did you first get involved with BRDT?
I was honoured to be approached to join the Board, which I did and soon after became Chair!
What experience and qualities do you feel you bring to BRDT?
Governance, structure, organisation design – and I like to think a bit of fun!
What are your areas of interest and particular roles and responsibilities as a BRDT trustee?
Governance, structure and organisation design! Although I feel I really should move into more leisurely volunteer roles that don’t replicate my work!
Are you involved in any other community groups and organisations in the area?
I’m vice-chair of GrowBiz Scotland.
What do you do for fun or in your spare time (if you have any!)?
‘Spiritual’ practices such as mediation, yoga, pondering and reflecting all that is beyond the physical realms. I also crochet, cycle (as in I sometimes ride my bike, I’m not a “cyclist”) and garden (in warm weather). We’ve recently acquired a snake – a royal python we’ve called Lucille – who is enormously interesting and fascinating and has replaced the tropical fish we’ve kept for many years.
And what are your hopes and aspirations for Blairgowrie and Rattray as a town and as a community?
To thrive, inclusively.
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