Bob Swan - Treasurer
Date: Friday 7 April

Bob was brought up in Cupar in Fife and qualified as a chartered accountant in Edinburgh, subsequently spending most of his career in London. He held a variety of roles within the financial services industry and including 20 years working in insurance. He has held a number of voluntary roles in the charity sector, including periods as treasurer of a community centre and a Scout group where he was involved in several grant applications for the rebuilding of the Scout Hall. He recently retired and lives in Rattray.
What is it that you love or enjoy most about living in Blairgowrie and Rattray?
The sense of community and being in a beautiful part of Scotland (and the golf courses).
What’s your professional background?
I was a Chartered Accountant and spent most of my career in London, working in insurance.
What motivates you?
Trying to make small, positive contributions to people, places around me.
Who is your hero and why?
I don’t have any particular role models but I admire those who make full use of their talents and are modest with it.
How did you first get involved with BRDT?
I turned up at an AGM to see what I could do to get involved and before I knew it, I was the Treasurer!
What experience and qualities do you feel you bring to BRDT?
An understanding of financial matters.
What are your areas of interest and particular roles and responsibilities as a BRDT Trustee?
I have overall responsibility for the finances of the Trust.
Are you involved in any other community groups and organisations in the area?
I’m also involved with Blair in Bloom, mainly as co-opted muscle!
What do you do for fun or in your spare time (if you have any!)?
Golf, travelling to as yet unvisited parts of Scotland.
What are your hopes and aspirations for Blairgowrie and Rattray as a town and as a community?
To promote a sense of community and increase its attraction as a place to visit and stay to boost the local economy.